Monday, November 17, 2014

Come Take You Place

There is a song that is currently my favorite called "Come Take Your Place" on the Especially for Missionaries disc. I just love it because it gives me this reminder that I am one of thousands of missionaries in the world, and that many are my beloved friends serving all over the world. I just feel such incredible power as we leave everyday knowing of all those who are praying for me to do this!

 On Tuesday because our companions had to go to Teguc I was in divisions with Hermana Garfield who has the same time with me and had to go to the doctors office. We were waiting to go inside when I leaned against an open door which was full of grease all over a brand new white blouse. 

As soon as I noticed, a woman came out of an office and asked, "do you want to come in and wash your blouse?" I go in and she brings over a bowl of water and I started trying to rinse off the grease on my arm. That proved to be ineffective, so for the next 5 minutes with dish soap this woman scrubbed my arm and my blouse. After she was satisfied, she then dried me off with a towel.

After she finished, I realized I didn't even know her name! I just wanted to cry at the kindness and charity of this woman to rush me inside and immediately care for me.

That is why I love being here so much. There is no one or any thing holding me back. I talk to EVERYONE in the street- whether they're shirtless, smoking a cigarette, or talking to their friends. I just felt such a desire to truly see everyone as a child of God this week and do all I could to bless and help their lives. :)

And last night, we were teaching a recent convert about the priesthood and I talked about how one night at college I called Justin to come over with John at like... 11:30 at night to give me a blessing. And how grateful I was that they were ready, and worthy. 
As we left, Hermana Briones commented to me that she couldn't ever remember receiving a blessing. Well, getting set apart and to come here, but her dad isn't a member, and her grandparents live far away.
I just hugged her- I can't count how many or how many people have given me priesthood blessings. I have had countless here in the mission and I just felt so happy and grateful that I have a testimony of this priesthood power and more importantly that I have had the opportunity to always be blessed wtih it in my life. So thanks to all that have 1) given me blessings and 2) who worthily exercise it ALWAYS!:)

I currently don't have my camera with me this week, so instead I'll paint pictures of what has happened.

-Hermana Snelson and Hermana Briones sitting on empty water jugs teaching about King Benjamin to Lillian who was sitting on a log and Samuel who was laying in his hammock, outside under a tree in front of their house made of dirt and sticks

-Just.... sweat :)

-going to the market today with my colorful basket I bought in Choluteca and bartering like a pro to get all the tomatoes, potatoes, and bananas we'll be eating this week (hermana Briones loves potatoes- I eat the bananas :) )

Love you so much!
-Hermana Snelson

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